Comparison was always taught to be the "thief of joy." Looking to my left and right would only lead to discontentment, frustration, and grumbling.
It's true.
it's felt like months now
of wishing for different
regretting a moment
and the second it subsides
another wave has me back out again
thoughts loud and muffled
so that i'm left to wonder what i really think
what i really feel
what i really want
who i really am
clothes move from one pile to another
i change from one pajama set to another
baggy t-shirt
thrifted sweats
and a pair of any clean fuzzy socks i can find
warm outside
hoping to warm up inside
dad used to always say
"go serve someone else"
and i'd roll my eyes
or want to
but it's true
and what he really meant was
it's time you look outside of yourself
so today
without knowing
i looked outside of myself
i compared my situation
with someone to my left
and my right
and i'm better for it
we are to
"bear one another's burdens,
and so fulfill the law of Christ"
we are to
feel the weight of another's pain
we are to
wipe the tears off another's cheek
we are to
calm the endless tides of "unknown" with the Word of God
we are to
look outside of ourselves
and allow our pain
for just a moment
to grow smaller
(Reference is to Galatians 6:2. I highly encourage reading the entire chapter. Scripture is our washcloth. Our medicine. Our hope. Our reminder. Our source to know God.) Love you guys!