i say i don't live on their praise
but i starve when they don't give it to me
crippling under silence
questioning my identity constantly
wondering if they see or
even want me
i'll take even the smallest
word from them
so desperate
i'll cling to anything
even if it lifts me for just a moment
i prefer using words
do not
you will find me
half here and half there
not quite ready to move on
but not willing to stay long
you will find me
and you will not
i took one step
that’s all it took
to take me back
your arm was hooked
i wanted to tell you
a lot of things
i find the things
i want to say
are my life now
not back way when
it will rush in
crashing me
over and over again
with each breath
i struggle to remember
or is it
i struggle to forget
i've made up my mind
that's how it learned
to make up things for me
creating spinning forcing me to wonder
i sometimes believe it
it yells it whispers
it silences me
with it's midnight terrors
but i think
it's all made up
love is a scary mad thing
running blindly
knocking things over
setting things on fire
it's very obvious
when it's here
and it's very obvious
when it's not
you're not tired of the same old thing
the same old thing is tired of you
same restaurant
same promise
same pursuit
same petty one liner
"i love you"
only difference is with who
not even you
young mind ripe with ambition
ready and willing to set the world on fire
convinced their passion will do it
and so it will
a trailblazer they will be
simply for believing and doing
something they love to do
i'm better yet
better yet i'm
let's restart
restart let's
just be normal again
i only write about half of my life down
the rest flies out the window
every long night drive i take down back road
and then half of the half i write
do i actually remember correctly
my tears and my laughter sift the mess
so all that's left
very well might be
somebody else's story
you think you're funny
making up these stories
and though i laugh
they're hardly worthy
but you're hardly willing
to fake a care
i am not you
you are not me
we are not something
to repeat and copy
or undo and sharpie
crossing out things
or strangely erasing
let us be what we've been made to fully be
i'll bear His image
and so will you
entirely different
and that's okay
all you were doing was listening
and that’s what scared me
you stopped listening to your heart
and started listening to my fear
one last poem
for no one else but me
a place to house my last few thoughts
before consuming me